Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Everyone wonders how to get a high page rank in Google for their blog. Some say that they are writing more, gathering about 30 posts all-in-all in three months time. Others tell that they are writing posts that are long and still they weren't in a rank. These are some of the questions that often bloggers ask in order to even have their page being ranked. How does Google put their trust in marking what rank a blogger belongs to?

It is simply in two words, Original Content.

Every post that a blogger will make should come from his own idea and not of copying someone else's work. When one copy others idea, it will lead him to a case known as plagiarism. In other words, it is the use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.

There are lots of available reference that will help one improve organize his ideas in making a post but not to the extent of "copy and paste" way of just generating and making a post within a day.

The most important and I think the essential thing that bloggers have to always put in mind when making a post is "to add a heart" in what they are doing. It is not more on generating and earning lots out from blogging. It is all about gathering an audience to your site which they could get informations that will/might help them and be benefited out from what you are writing to. In this way, we can clearly say that we are in the right process which they learn from us and we learn from them.

Being original signify that you are a person with dignity and full of expressions in mind that you want to tell the world that I exist.

Making posts are not a matter of how deep, figurative or how learned you are for using such ambiguous or difficult words in your posts for people to know that you are with extraordinary talents and you are professionally crafted. We are living in a simple world. That is why, we should use words that are simple for our audience to understand. Remember, it is not about you in the way of showing it. It is more in particular, all about your audience.

Have fun writing with sense and with heart!