Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Fruit is one of the most healthy and natural foods in existence. There are thousands of different types of fruit available to eat, all of which provide us with strong health benefits. Fruit contains a large number of naturally occurring vitamins, minerals and plant phytochemicals that help benefit health. It has also been shown that eating the whole fruit or juice is best to gain the benefits rather than taking supplements to provide each nutrient separately. There are some various health benefits that we can get out from eating fruits. These are the following:

Potential health benefits of eating fruits:

1. potential for weight control

2. more energy for exercising

3. reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases

4. reduced risk of developing cancers

5. lower blood pressure

6. potential to lower cholesterol

7. reduced change of developing type 2 diabetes

8. potential to slow down age process

That is why, eating the right kind of food makes me strong and healthy especially when I accompanied my meal with fruits which I serve on the table everyday. I always consider eating fruits during meal time. They serve as a healthy diet for me. I don't feel at ease when I escape having meals without fruits on the table. Almost everyday, I eat 4 to 5 kinds of fruits. You too, can have healthy diet when you consider eating fruits everyday.