Thursday, June 4, 2009

What is smile? Here are some definitions that I have collected:

1. It is a facial expression formed by flexing the muscles most notably both ends of the mouth.

2. It is change one's facial expression by spreading the lips, often to signal pleasure.

3. It is a facial expression characterized by turning up the corners of the mouth; usually shows pleasure or amusement.

4. It can keep us young.

5. It is an address to life.

6. It is a way to success.

7. It is to win hearts.

8. It improves the personality.

9. It is a great way to make yourself stand out while helping your body to function better.

10. It improves your health and your attractiveness.

11. It is one way to live longer.

12. It makes us attractive.

13. It changes our mood.

14. It is contagious.

15. It relieves stress.

16. It boosts our immune system.

17. It lowers blood pressure.

18. It releases Endorphins, natural pain killers and serotonin.

19. It makes you stay positive.

20. It is a good, healthy habit.

Whatever the definitions of smile/s is or are. You have the reason to SMILE all your life. So stay positive, win friends and opportunities and live longer. Always wear your SMILE!