Friday, June 19, 2009

I pray.

The best way to always communicate with God is through prayers. Praying relieves the pain that burdens our hearts and minds as well as our souls. Oftentimes, people forget to spend time in praying because of the things that keep them busy or they neglect to pray because they don't believe in the power of prayer, they don't believe in God.

Many of the people doesn't (until now) know Him who is the Maker, Provider and the Healer of all our needs. But still our Living God provide them with good things and plenty. He chooses to help them in spite of the grievous sins they/we committed. The Lord never cease to love them and help them always.

What is the reason why people blame God for all the uncertainties that they have gone through their lives where in fact, in times of happiness, they never question and thank God?

I will leave you with that question for us to reflect and see that God is ever living and He never forsake us always. We all have to remember that it is the work of Satan to ruin our lives and it is not the will of God for God never permits to cause pain to all His creations.