Monday, June 8, 2009


I can't sleep this day. I don't know any because even if I force to close my eyes, still I can't sleep. Maybe somebody thinks of me but it has been a week now that I am suffering of this case. Maybe I have an insomia. What is insomia, anyway?

Insomnia is "difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or both" and it may be due to inadequate quality or quantity of sleep. It affects all age groups. Among adults, insomnia affects women more often than men. The incidence tends to increase with age.

The causes of Insomnia:

Transient and short-term insomnia

1. Jet lag
2. Changes in shift work
3. Excessive or unpleasant noise
4. Uncomfortable room temperature (too hot or too cold)
5.Stressful situations in life (exam preparation,loss of a loved one, unemployment, divorce, or separation)
6. Presence of an acute medical or surgical illness or hospitalization
7. Withdrawal from drug, alcohol, sedative, or stimulant medications
8. Insomnia related to high altitude (mountains)

Chronic or long-term insomnia

A. Psychological related insomnia

1. anxiety,
2. stress,
3. schizophrenia,
4. mania (bipolar disorder
5. depression.

B. Physiological related insomnia

1. Chronic pain syndromes
2. Chronic fatigue syndrome
3. Congestive heart failure
4. Night time angina (chest pain) from heart disease
5. Acid reflux disease (GERD)
6. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
7. Nocturnal asthma (asthma with night time breathing symptoms)
8. Obstructive sleep apnea
9. Degenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease (Often insomnia is the deciding factor for nursing home placement.)
10. Brain tumors, strokes, or trauma to the brain
11. High risk groups for insomnia

Certain medications have also been associated with insomnia. Among them are:

Certain over-the-counter cold and asthma preparations.
The prescription varieties of these medications may also contain stimulants and thus produce similar effects on sleep.
Certain medications for high blood pressure have also been associated with poor sleep.
Some medications used to treat depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia.
Other causes of insomnia
Common stimulants associated with poor sleep include caffeine and nicotine. You should consider not only restricting caffeine and nicotine use in the hours immediately before bedtime but also limiting your total daily intake.
Furthermore, people often use alcohol to help induce sleep, as a nightcap. However, it is a poor choice. Alcohol is associated with sleep disruption and creates a sense of nonrefreshed sleep in the morning.
A disruptive bed partner with loud snoring or periodic leg movements also may impair your ability to get a good night's sleep.
Now I know that the main cause why I suffer insomia is the pressure that I have with this coming final examinations in school. I am the second honor in our class and I have to make it to the top. No wonder I had insomia!