Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Juno in June

June tends to be the most popular month for weddings throughout history all over the globe. This is because they give honor to Juno, the goddess of marriage. For this reason, many Romans chose to honor her by tying the knot in June. Like a lot of traditions, this one stuck.

Who is Juno?

Juno was the Goddess of marriage, pregnancy and childbirth.

She was the Queen of the Gods and part of the Capitoline triad that also included Minerva and Jupiter.

This Deity was an embodiment of the traditional female roles of wife and mother.

One of her titles was Lucino (meaning light) as she helped to bring children into the light of this world at birth. She was also said to set and strengthen a childs bones.

She was also Goddess of conception, a Goddess to be called upon in labour and one who helped settle disagreements between spouses.

Juno protected the finances of the Roman people. In this role she was the patron Goddess of the royal mint.

The Month of June was named after her and it was considered the most favourable month to get married in.

Each Roman woman was said to have her own Juno which represented her female spirit.