Saturday, May 2, 2009

Planning for a Trip

Field trips are organized visits taken by the pupils and the teachers to further educational purposes of the regular classroom activities. The chief purpose of this method is to give the pupils first-hand experience that cannot be had in the classroom. It also provides opportunities for pupil’s learning through the use of many techniques other than those of reading and speaking.

Trip must be planned in relation to the other learning activities if it is to be most valuable. This will stimulate the interest and increase the appreciation of the pupils. The following are the vital steps to consider by the pupils as well as the teachers in planning for a field trip:

1. Planning the field trip

The first and the most important aspects of a field trip is careful advance planning. The objectives are essential in planning, conducting and evaluating its results. The pupils should have a clear understanding of why they are going, where and what they may be expected to find. The teacher should secure a written permission from the parents of each pupil making the trip. Permissions from the parents are absolutely essential. A telephone call, letter or personal visit may be used. All things needed for the trip must be listed and checked.

2. Directing the trip

The teacher should be solely responsible for the observations of the trip. He should direct the observations and should make only necessary suggestions and explanations. The teacher must exercise wise guidance over the progress of the observation. Moreover, the teacher must keep the field trip strictly on schedule; timing is important. Furthermore, he is responsible for the safe return of each pupil to the school building. The class must be checked before dismissal.

3. Evaluating the trip

The teacher should help the pupils interpret and evaluate the trip at the earliest moment while their interest is keen and still fresh. In other words, the trips must be followed by class discussions, reports or written examination. Furthermore, a letter of gratitude and appreciation of the hosts, guides, speakers and others who made the trip valuable is necessary as a final step. It should be written in the name of the class.