Thursday, May 14, 2009

The teacher must understand the basic principles of learning. These following general principles of learning are presented for the proper guidance in teaching.

1. Learning is facilitated when the teacher provides the learner with the proper stimuli and guides, and uses the principle of conditioning and associating those learning functions that need to be made automatic for most effective learning.

2. Learning is facilitated by the ;aw of belongingness. When the learner perceives the relationship of facts presented, the speed of learning is greatly increased.

3. Learning is facilitated by the law of effect. The law of effect pertains to the influence of satisfying or unsatisfying feeling tones that accompany a response and either strengthen or weaken that response. When the learner finds the correct answer ti a question, he feels pleased about his achievement and the connection is strengthened.

4. Learning is facilitated with the law of exercise. Practice and exercise are so common that they are universally accepted as an active means of learning. Lack of practice or exercise cause memory of learned materials weaken and in general, the longer the periods of disuse, the greater the loss.

5. Learning is facilitated by the law of readiness or mind set. Learning does not occur unless the learner is ready to act or to learn. When a person is ready, he learns more effectively and with greater satisfaction than when unprepared.

6. Learning is facilitated by motives or drives. Needs, interests and goals are fundamental to the learning process. If the individual has to learn, he must have some goal to be accomplished. Learning is best when the learner knows and understands his motives in learning.

7. Learning is meaningful if it is organized as such a way as to emphasize and call for understanding, insight, initiative and cooperation.

8. Learning is considered as the acquisition of knowledge, habits, skills, abilities and attitudes through the interaction of the whole individual and his total environment.