Friday, February 24, 2012

I have been using the Computer for many years now. My conscience dictates me to tell the world about the pleasures I enjoy out from using this advancement in the world of technology.

Most of the people nowadays are getting updated with the latest in technology and never to be outdone, the computer world tops the entire rank. Its wings reach even to the heights of the universe that many individuals are not left ignorant. The aboriginal people in any parts of the world are in the use of computers until time comes that no one will be left out of technology. But how far does computer give happiness to every person from all walks of life?

Because of using the computer, my boss is not getting angry if I can’t forward directly the mails or so. Computer helps make my work a lot easier. I don’t have to worry if the written texts are not aligned properly. I don’t have to erase them with pencils which leave marks of impurities. It is accessible to just click the keys and menus in order to change, add, delete, and insert something out from what I have typed in the computer simply because it helps me automate various tasks that I can’t do manually.

What I really like most in using the computer especially that I am working in the office, it helps me organize the data and information in a better way. I don’t need to throw away the papers right in the trash can because I just automatically press the keys and then the make-over begins. There is a system that I can get out from using it. There is a perfect way that I can initially have a blow of getting through the things done. So if my boss said that I have to finish the report within a minute, I can do so instantly.

When it comes to Mathematical calculations, the computer tells you what exactly the truth. It has much more computing and calculating power then an ordinary human. Just a mere drag and click plus the Mathematical equation, then all will go to its tally. Even within seconds, you can have the results and the rank. It is through the power of MS Excel that serves to rule the answer.

Unlike offices that does not reach the upgrade system and the use of the computer, piles and truck of papers scatters in every storage, in the cabinet, office filers and on the table. It is a waste in the eyes.  All files can be stored in one single place that leaves no trash in the surrounding offices. That is why, the use of computer serves as my storage of the important data and files. I can preserve, restore and hide files in the storage device or on the files itself in the computer.

Computer has speed, storage, reliability, consistency and communications like no other can do the things can easily done because when I have to research on some things, it helps me to find useful information using the Internet.
In this generation, the use of computers is widespread for this device is very useful in meeting the demands to live life easier, more comfortable, faster and reliable.

I have enjoyed all of those things that lead me to love my computer and the pleasure it brings for my life. I don’t need to work more on the make-over and to experience more stresses because computers help me in many ways of accomplishing tasks and performing my part as a worker.