Saturday, February 4, 2012

I went through evaluating the right book for my baby David. There are lots of children books that I have found and I scanned over them. There is this portion on the book that seems a "probonu" part of the book that I have selected for David. This shares about the tips of selecting the best book for children which can be found in its introductions. For every beginning, introduce the conflict, event, climax, resolution and conclusion of a story, people should be aware of the signals that arouse children's thinking ability. It should be that for every part, the signals should be: 

Beginning - Once upon a time..., One day in the life of..., There was once..., I am..., In the old, old days...
Introduce the conflict - But one day..., Suddenly..., It was...until...
Events - And so..., Because of that..., However..., It happened so...
Climax - Until finally..., He/She had to decide..., Would he/she...
Resolution - And so..., At last..., Finally..., Alas!..., Eureka...
Conclusion - In the end..., It was..., After that..., Here ends the story of the life of..., This story teaches us...