Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Love and Infatuation

Among young people, the form of love are crushes, puppy love and infatuation. Overtimes, they thought these feelings are true love. These forms of love are usually self-centered and exist merely to satisfy oneself, they are short in duration and are usually accompanied by frustrations because the expectation towards the partner is unrealistic.

How then can you tell if you are really in love? First, let us find out the different stages of love.

1. Infantile Love [Infancy and early childhood] – To a helpless and innocent baby, love means prompt attention to his/her needs. It is shown in the way he/she held and cared for.

2. Filled Love [Early and middle childhood]- This refer to your love for young parents. At these stages the child’s love revolves around his/her parents, particularly his /her mother because he/she spends most of the time with her and they do most for the things together.

3. Pre-adolescent Love [childhood and pre-adolescence]. The child takes interest in children of his/her own age, particularly his/her own sex. He/ She now adopts the standards and norms of his/her friends rather than that of his/her parents.

4. Peer Love – The object of the adolescent’s love is another individual of the same age but of the opposite sex.

5. Mature Love – In this level, physical attraction is only a secondary consideration What is important is what to give to the relationship rather than what to get. If a person is truly in love, he/she tries to do what is best for the partner and if the partner is also in love, he /she will think of his/her partner’s interest in an unselfish way.

At times people find it very difficult to distinguish between the adolescent level of infatuation and the mature level of genuine love.