Monday, September 21, 2009

941 Payroll Deposit

What will you do to settle your unpaid tax account?

Some multi-national companies automatically deduct the tax payment from the employee's payroll and remit quarterly the tax payment collection to the Internal Revenue Office.

The company offers FREE collection of employees' tax payment every payroll period through payroll deduction from their monthly gross income. These companies simply collect the amount for tax payment to be deposited in their employees' individual account like the 941 payroll deposit.

It is much easier and more effective way of collecting tax payment from employees. Henceforth, in contrary to the existing policy, the government will eventually seize your assets and close your business. It is true to individual business if tax is not paid. The government impose penalties and interests if taxes are not paid on time.

Tax payers especially with business endeavor should apply for lien subordination in compliance with the settlement of their tax due. It is said that non payment of taxes is a form of stealing from the government.

For your problems regarding tax payments and other tax concerns, you may see a tax attorney to help you negotiate with a lower settlement and reduce the imposed penalties and interests.

For more information, you may call this number 1-800-405-8360.

Pay your tax promptly!