Friday, September 28, 2012

The Brain

The discussion that we had just this afternoon talks about the topic regarding the brain. Here are the notes that I have written based on the discussion of the professor.

Neurological Examination
1. Mental status examination
2. Motor examination
3. Sensory examination
4. Reflexes
5. Coordination and gait

Lobes of the Brain
1. Frontal Lobe - regular and mediate the higher intellectual functions. Mild emotions, cognition, error detection and volition.

2. Parietal Lobe - collects, recognizes and organizes sensations of touch, pressure, temperature, pain, position and movement

3. Temporal Lobe - concerned with perception and recognition of auditory (hearing) and memory (hippocampus). ONe area, Broca's speech area - concerned for speech

4. Occipital Lobe - concerned with visual perception, visual memory, eye movement

Mental Status Examination
1. Orientation - oriented in time, place and person
2. Attention-working - repeat short list of object like naming months of the year
3. Judgement-abstrac reasoning or abstract thinking - interpret proverbs or problem solving
4. Set generation or immediate recall - recalls short list of objects after 3 to 5 minutes.
5. Recent memory - describe event that happened in the last two days.
6. Remote memory - describe events for the distant past.
7. Fund of Knowledge - test of knowledge
8. Mood - feeling
9. Praxis - ability to follow simple commands
10. Ability to language (receptive or expressive) - name simple objects like body parts, read or write
11. Gnosis or Gnosia - somatosensory
12. Ability to understand spatial relationship - ability to remember shapes and objects and their locations relative to each other in space.
13. Ability to perform action example brushing of teeth

Alterations in Mental Ability
a. Aphasia - inability to express; understanding language in speaking and writing 
b. Apraxia - inability to follow or carry out simple motor skills
c. Agnosia - inability to recognize familiar objects
d. Acalculia - inability to perform simple arithmetic
e. Dementia - impaired intelectual functioning that interferes reasoning and memory