Thursday, September 20, 2012

Our professor in World Civilization: Humanities (subject) shared important points for us to remember about the report that our classmates had last week. Their topic centered more on the "Rise of Europe" and here are the things that our professor shared to us.

*Rise of Europe - Blending of many cultures
*Medieval Age/Period - Opening of the country in its civilization; "Age of Faith"
*Clovis - king of the Franks. He was converted into Christianity because of the victory of the battle that he asked help from his wife, a Christian who made such condition that if he wins, he will then summit himself to be converted into Christianity and so he did.

*Medieval Period - "age of faith" because Christianity at this time flourished.
*Time of Pope Gregory the Great that Rome was in turmoil.
*Meeting of the Islam and the Muslim clash donated the exchange of culture
*Charles Martel - successfully defeated the Muslim at 732 period
*Charles the Great - reunite Roman empire
*Pope Leo III asked help from Charlemagne in late 800 which on Christmas day, he was declared as emperor

*Effects of Pope Gregory the Great's reign:
1. revived Christian community
2. lessened the struggle of power between the Romans and the Germans
3. united the Eastern and Western Christian world

Described the government of Charlemagne
1. assigned rulers in the local regions
2. employed Missi Domenici

Legacy of Charlemagne in Europe
-extend the Christian civilization

*Treaty of Verdun - Charlemagne divided the 3 regions
*Magyars - nomadic and short-lived
*Vikings - good in trading, great conqueror

1. Manor - heart of medieval period
2. Feudalism - started by Count William
There are lords, nobles, knights and vassals

Middle Ages
- monarchial form of government (king and queen)

Warrior or Knight
-intensive training
-only men but started at 7 years old
- 20 years old - installed knight ceremony

*Code - Chivalry (guide the knight); it's their code of conduct
*Pope - head of the Roman Catholic Church
*Canon Law - religious teachings of the priests

7 Sacraments
1. Baptism     2. Communion    3. Confession     4. Confirmation   5. Marriage
6. Ordination  7. Anointing of the Sick

*Excommunication - punishment of the people if there's violation
*Interdict - if the community happens to violate the teachings
 *Tithe - 10% of their income shared to the Catholic Church
*3 Religious Groups
1. Monks       2. Nuns      3. Missionaries

*Women before the Catholic Church - medium of temptation
*Women during the Roman Catholic Church are regarded like "Mary" and are called daughters of Eve
*Important woman is Hildegard of Bengin.
*St. Francis of Assisi - Missionary (Italian)
*St. Dominic - Dominican (Spanish)
 *Abbot Berno of Cluny - revived Benedictine Rome
*Preaching Order
1. Franciscans        2. Dominican       3. Bequines
 *Alcuin of York - run Charlemagne's school
*Aachen - second Rome
*State - Fief
*Eleanor of Aquitaine - 1st queen of France and England