Sunday, March 18, 2012

Are you a dreamer?

God’s dream is for His children to succeed in every way. How about you, what are your dreams? Do you have dreams? Or are you paralyzing your mind not to dream because you are afraid it won’t come true?

Since I was a kid, I always have this dream to help and extend my arms to everyone. I want to make a difference and leave positive imprints in the hearts of the people before I die. I want to give a positive impact that could also lead others to do the same. My hands are made for service and I believe in that.

So far, what differences I have shown to others are quite numerous, not to brag. In fact, I can’t count them and even I can’t decipher to notice them for the instant situations that I thought it already touched their lives.

Now, let’s go back with you. I guess you are in the point of worrying if there is realization of your dreams if you say a prayer or utter them. Don’t be afraid. See, I don’t have the power to make all the wonderful things that I did into magic that I am able to do them. The only secret is to work to make what you dream come true. In working them out, you need to think more and deeper if it will bring good or if it can ruin others. Think deeper. You must have a plan.

In planning, you can fully measure and have direction on what you should exactly do for you to attain your dreams. To dream doesn’t need cash. All you need to do is to visualize and apply for real what exactly you want you can do better for this world before you die. I know that there are dreams that can drive you to the bushes, in committing sins. But you should intend to do good for others. That is why, you should do what is good and not the selfish dream.

To dream is to supply your wants with the positives that you can possibly do. Even simpler acts of extending help are a fulfillment of your dreams to help others even in simpler ways.

To dream is not just to statically dream. You need plan, actions and of course, prayers. Believe that you can do it and throw all away the negatives. Remember, you are a worthy person. Make that worth in you flourish and do good before you pass this world.

Dream big dreams for others!