Monday, February 22, 2010

Seeing a child grow and develop is one of life's greatest satisfaction and accomplishment. A parent is deeply overjoyed with the observation that his or her child is growing as he or she is being nurtured and cared for.

In the stages of growing and developing, the parents must be the active participants to ensure the welfare of the child. Proper guidance should begin to a child to ensure his or her safety and develop him or her physically, mentally, socially and psychologically.

The growth and development of normal children follow a general pattern, but the rate may differ from one child to another. This means that some children's development rate may be faster than others and are most visible and observable during the infancy period.

Teething occurs during the infant stage and early childhood which is between six to eight months. The first set of teeth are called milk teeth, which are already forming in the gums when an infant is born. Four incisors, two cuspids or canines, and four premolars comprise the baby's milk teeth. The first teeth appear are the two lower incisors and usually grows in the second half of the baby's first year(Rojo, et al., 1998).

Because of the growth of teeth through the gums, it is painful and makes the baby very uncomfortable.

Thus, to ensure good care of the teeth, here are some suggestions;

1. Mothers, during conception should eat foods rich in calcium, phosphorus and Vitamin D.
2. Give the baby boiled water between feedings to wash away milk and other foreign bodies.
3. Encourage baby to eat and chew hard food to exercise the teeth and gums.
4. Adequate milk and other source of calcium and phosphorus and enough sunshine should be provided in the first two years of life.