Sunday, February 7, 2010

Drowning Dangers

Studies revealed that more than 800 children drown every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). "Once a child's head goes underwater, it only takes a few minutes for her heart to stop and brain damage to occur," says pediatrician, Dr. Gary Smith, M.D., director of the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.

In order to avoid drowning dangers, Dr. Smith shared these essential tips:

Keep you toddler or preschooler within arm's reach whenever he's in or near water. Never let an older child out of your sight. Don't get distracted when your child is in or near a pool or has access to any water.

Equip your pool with four-sided fencing at least four feet high, a rigid cover, and anti-entrapment drain covers. Empty kiddie pools and remove ladders to above-ground pools after using. Don't leave pool toys in the water or near the pool area.

Learn CPR and keep a cell phone handy in case of emergency. Don't rely on arm floats or air-filled tubes to keep your child safe. Have her wear a U.S., Coast Guard-approved life preserver if she's on a boat or near water.