Thursday, March 28, 2013

A story can never be alive without the actors and actresses involved in it. Imagine yourself reading a story without persons involved. Probably, all you see is just a mirage of blatant, hollow space of imagination. Lifeless!

In the battlefield of the story, the leading faces throw to the characters. They are the persons, animals or creatures that are part of the story. They act, perform, appear and play their individual role. This gives the “real” feel of the story for most probably without then, there can be no story. They can be known and seen through their appearance, actions and displayed attitudes that others will criticize or appreciate them for such.

There are those protagonists. They are displaying the positive character. Antagonist, the negatives. There are Foil who act as adviser, friend, defender or just merely substitute for the protagonist or antagonist. The Background are those others who donate certain roles in the story.

Characters display series of developments of their roles. The Individuals are those that are round, many-sided and portray complex personalities. Flat, they do not change in surprising ways. Static, never change at all throughout the story. Round, they are more complex. Developing, they are dynamic.

The life of the story owes much to the characters. Their roles are based on real life or just mere supernatural imaginations to the one who made them appear such, the author.