Saturday, April 18, 2009

Study Skills

Academic ability consists of various skills and abilities, called study skills. These abilities are associated with learning, remembering and using information and ideas taught in school. They can be described as acquiring, recording, organizing and synthesizing. Many of these skills are available in business and in other activities outside the school.
Study reading is active reading since the student’s thinking is extended as he reacts to, interprets and is challenged by what he reads. The reader challenges the writer when he evaluates and decides whether (1) the assumptions set forth are accurate; (2) the evidences are adequate; and (3) the information given is relevant to his purpose.
A student who efficient study methods have in a true sense learns to learn. He has not changed his innate his capacity in learning but rather discovered to get the maximum mileage out of what ability he has. The student thus becomes more efficient at mastering academic content because he has learned to concentrate, to organize the material he has read, to employ mnemonic aids and to follow study with review and self-testing. Such a person has learned to learn in an effective manner that which he intends to learns.