Friday, August 31, 2012

The only sure way to build understanding in everything that you read is to go over the most important thing - Getting the Main Idea. It does not take an expert to do this but it all boils to the kind of determination and technique in determining which is the main idea.

Before, I am not like good in school for my study habits are that poor. I always get a very low score and I am oftentimes in the lowest rank in school ranking of students. But I am having that chance to improve as I have realized to help myself attain a higher grades in doing the right job in anything that I do, and I find it in Getting the Main Idea.

When you read an article, story or anything that leads your interest in reading, comprehension or to understand is very important so that you will know and learn the most vital information and go over them while not that sure neglecting the flowering part but let them stay as is.

In getting the main idea, you should first read the whole text. And while you have your second reading, jot down the most important thing that talks about the central point of what you have read. You have to go over the topic sentence or the topic alone and them from the topic or topic sentence, stems down the roots of that stem.

You don't have to consider the flowering parts since it will not lead you to a more comprehensive ideas but it will just surely gives you an added information that will not give the most focus point. Try discarding the flowering parts or the unimportant ones. Concentrate more on what is the best and the most vital, the central topic that leads to the main thought of the article.

You will then find out that you have just have the short notes out from what you have gathered. You will then realized that in getting the main idea, you will have a good study habit that perfectly leads you to a high mark. Positively, this technique has helped me a lot in many ways and I don't find it regretful. I was successful because of the strategy and the technique in gettting the most important thing in note taking.