Friday, June 29, 2012

I could remember that my first day in school is such an exciting day for me. I am excited to go to school. I even woke up early in the morning so that I could be able to attend the class on time and so I could be able to see my new classmates. It is such an exciting day for me. 

Our teacher is very good and lenient. She is so kind and very approachable. She is understanding and always take things easier for us. When we have our quiz, she will tell us clues when we are finding it hard to identify the problem. Believe me, she is so super, extra kind. 

But as days passed. When we had our class, I suddenly have noticed that she is transforming herself in a strict manner. Then, I thought what made her so?

Observing her, I can conceptualized things which lead me to think that she is in the right track of being so super, extra strict. But don't get me wrong, she is not into corporal punishment. Not like that. 

She is transforming her aura in teaching into a more discipline and command. That, I like the style. 

Teachers as I view it, needs to be strict. For I believe that a teacher who is strict at times, can be respected by the students. 

Teachers need to be strict so that...
1. They can't be underestimate by their students. 
2. They can impose more stiff discipline.
3. They can teach the students what is the proper way.
4. They can direct with great focus to what they want to instill to their students.
5. They don't like to be neglected, but instead, they want to be heard. 
6. They are dignified. 
7. They want alertness and lively classroom atmosphere. 
8. They challenge the students in some ways. 
9. They make every learning experience with purpose and goal to attain to. 
10. They make things in a justified way. 

If I were to ask, I want a strict teacher because I can easily understand and I have seen that he is having that much concern to his students.