Thursday, September 22, 2011

As I have watched the main highlight in the news today, I am really in shocked because of the presentor's main presentation in a public view with those pants down. It seems disgusting. And being Paula Abdul, of course, the initial reaction would always mean something not good because of the public immorality that the presentor is showing to the public. Furthermore, not all individuals have that capacity to understand the show as "X Factor" because of the said person that really showed the X?!?

I don't really understand why this person came out with such kind of presentation. Maybe as what I have think that he is thinking that to amuse the audience, he should do something "stupid". Sorry for the word but that is how I view it.

Come to think of it. The show is live. No one expected that the result would be such a kind that truly ruins the whole scenario. It is quite awkward to go into dealing with the kind of a show that is really famous but the feel of making it live is not that lively at all as this guy is revealing another meaning of what he feel would be beneficial for him or for the audience to be amused. I can't decipher to think what this wannabe want to portray to all after all.