Thursday, March 24, 2011

What really counts for this world is the help that one extends to every country. That is the help that is also shared by North America to Japan.

Japan has just been in the state of tremendous problems as earthquake and tsunami had cause much destructions to their country. But the act of North Korea of extending help to the Japanese is already a big leap in building and making anew place for Japan.

In the report that I have read this morning, it says that North Korea Kim Jong-il sends $500,000 for Japan. That amount of cash is already a big help for the Japanese.

What is really good about this country is that there are many people who are helping one another for the service and the welfare for all the people. Humans are we, we have that desire and empathy of helping everyone in times of great need or not.

I appreciate the kind-hearted spirit and generosity of North Korea. They are showing how it is to be of a helping hands towards the others.