Thursday, January 27, 2011

The news that scattered in the famous website talks about "Florida lawmaker wants teachers to grade parents."

My side on this is that the parents total involvement in school is essentially needed for the growth and development of the children and the parents in school. Because of the acts that surely communicates to the concern of the teachers of the performance of their students, thus, it is then the utmost source that they can think of that parents should be graded on their involvement in school. But the great question boils down that parents are too busy with their work that they need to attain the businesses that they have. How can the school be expect parents to be graded since parents have the wide diversions of their works in meeting this and that?

I don't intentionally say and demand that this news is that bad and it would be unfair especially in the part of the parents. But for me, the only solution to the problem lies in the minds of the parents and how they are giving much attention to the needs of their children.

I think the school should not grade them but rather, the school should call their attention whenever the performance of the child has this problem so that the parents will be the informed and could be able to help his children in meeting the school problems.

The most way that always in the atmosphere of school has something to do with common sense that parents are really responsible in many ways of their concern for their children. I do hope that parents will see clearly how children nowadays are much in need of their help and guidance, in the first place, they are parents which means that they know clearly their responsibilities and duties for the welfare of their children.