Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My professor in Philosophy had already discussed some parts of the topic, "Freedom". Here are some that I would also like to share based from what I have taken down notes.

Freedom - exquisite part of human existence.
1. Knowledge is the verdant of human acts.
2. Freedom is the natural gift.
3. Voluntariness is the principle that follows after knowledge and freedom.

One can't exercise full freedom without knowledge and vice versa. Voluntariness can't be unless there is knowledge and freedom.

Knowledge is categorized as:
1. What is invincible - He knows that he doesn't know.
2. What is visible - He knows that he is ignorant.
3. What is crass or pretended ignorance - Projects he is ignorant because he wants to make excuses from liabilities and responsibilities.

Freedom is not possession. It is inherent of man as person. It is a tool to create a moral person. It signifies man's reality of his existence. He is a responsible of what he does. Animals are not free. Freedom distinguishes of a person from the other animals because it is a gift, a priceless gift that comes from our Creator. It can't be stolen. It can't be given away because it is inherent in man's nature.

It is dehumanizing when freedom is taken from you. When the person is wrong, he is not entitled to his own opinion. Freedom is not something to be abused. It is not a license to do wrong, rather it is a license to do better.

Freedom has some restrictions. You should not destroy the freedom of others even though you have the right. The purpose of man is to perfect his existence.