Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Post contributed by Leonard Phelps

I’ve been home for a couple of weeks now and I have been cleaning the entire time. People who know me well know that I clean a lot. My grandmother calls me the white tornado. I clean not because I’m a clean person, but because I’m a very messy person. I can perfectly function in a room with mounds of papers and clothes and expensive electronics. Last week my sister Rebekah was in my room and she was completely in awe of how much stuff was on my bed. Books, cookware, craft supplies, and clothing were spread out all over (as they had been for days), and I didn’t think twice about moving them before burrowing in and falling asleep in my nest each night. I might be the only one of my friends and family who is capable of living this way, and I know you most likely find it repulsive, but I’m okay with that. One of my favorite things to do to make me clean up when my room is a mess is to watcher Hoarders on Direct Tv. If my mess isn’t inspirational enough, the people on Hoarders are sure to make me ready to get organized. I have to take that show in small doses, because if I watch too much, I’ll end up with anxiety.