Friday, July 8, 2011

This guest post from Edgardo Rosa

Every afternoon when I get home from work I do the same thing. I walk in the door, go to the bedroom, and change out of my work clothes into my comfortable sweats. I then make a cup of green tea, grab a healthy snack, and sink into the couch in front of the television. Now I am ready to watch "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" on my satellite TV( This is my favorite talk show. Ellen is so funny and can always make me laugh no matter what type of day I had at work. Her dancing style is fun and I am often amazed how she can still look cool dancing up a flight of stairs. I enjoy how she likes to give personalized gifts to her guests related to their family or hobbies. That seems so thoughtful. I also think it is great how Ellen brings on people from YouTube videos and gives them a chance to shine on her stage. This has lead to job offers for some of her guests. She also likes to reach out to individuals and families who are suffering or struggling. Ellen seems to get a lot of joy using her fame and power to bless these people with financial help or a new car or a dream vacation. She seems like genuinely thoughtful person!