Friday, May 21, 2010

Tepic, Mexico

Tepic, an old colonial city with a solid, prosperous look, is the capital of the small state of Nayarit. The main streets are wide and clean, and other streets are being widened by cutting away old buildings and adding modern facades which contrast sharply with the old wallet cemetery and the arcaded buildings around the plaza. The promenades and the concerts in the attractive city park, and the soccer games in the stadium at the edge of the town are interesting to watch. Points of interest in the town include the cathedral on the main plaza, which was built in 1750 and has two perfect Gothic-type towers, and the Church de la Cruz which was once a part of the Franciscan Convent de la Cruz founded in 1744.

The broad valley south of Tepic is planted to sugarcane and corn. Small banana and papaya groves surround the settlements of native huts. The town is situated 3,186 feet above sea level, at the base of an extinct volcano, and is noticeably cooler than the nearly coast.

Tepic has good accommodations on the highway near Parque Loma, and also downtown.