Saturday, April 14, 2012

It is an admiration, a crush that catches her eyes to Adam Levine.

Jennifer Love Hewitt is an actress, singer and of course, a beautiful lady. Adam Levine, a singer, an artist and or course, romantically captivating. That what probably makes Jennifer loves him so much. She revealed her feelings in one of the famous TV shows here in the US.

Persons are we normally feel love for someone. That instinct is unstoppable. It is an admiration, a total feeling that somehow the simple liking will turn out into true love feeling.

For Jennifer Love Hewitt who captures an eye for Levine is normal. It is realistically happening. But what seem probably not normal here is because Levine has a supermodel girlfriend that he probably loves so much. That means, Jennifer has a small opportunity to expect more of Levine out of the crush feeling. Unless her admiration is just simply a liking and there is no feeling of love or aspiration revealed. It is also quite a struggle of her expecting which there is nothing to expect about.

The good thing is that, at least Jennifer Love Hewitt tells the world that she likes somebody in the person of Levine. That revelation is a huge outlet of making herself at ease and the expression is true that it can't lead to unhealthy longing if she wasn't able to burst out what she feels.

There is no bad thing about revealing what one feels for someone. The only matter that makes a big deal is when the one who undying love expects more than what she is expecting out from feeling of crush to something that they can be both together that the one that has been admired is committed to someone else.

Of course, who could have not feel a total admiration to Levine. He is super-talented and sexy. And Jennifer just perfectly did what she is intending to share, to express what she feels for him. That expression is a gift. But to prolonge the story is something that everyone is expecting out from the said feeling, until when.

This revelation is something that everyone could reflect and see for themselves how normally we have the feeling of love and admiration, which in fact those are God's gift to us and in what way are we going to make proper use of those gifts.