Monday, February 27, 2012

Medicines are everywhere. It is available to you. It is accessibly available online. It is much more available to us. But how knowledgeable are you in terms of buying medicines?

First, check the expiration date.  The prescription from a doctor would tell you that is the right medicine for your illness. Then, you go to the pharmacy to buy the medicine which your doctor prescribed. But before you hand the medicine home or take it, you need to be sure, be direct and be very vigilant to know the expiration date. Expiration Date marks the day the pills will expire and is no longer in use.

Some medicines are very expensive. Other pills are not. If you are not that meticulous enough, you directly buy medicines without looking at the expiration date, oh my! The efficacy of the medicinal span of the medicine has its limits. If it is already in its deadline or if it is about to expire, you should look for another medicine of the same kind. Better buy a medicine that secures the effectiveness of healing your illness basing on its expiration date.

Next time and there will be no other next time, I hope, please see the expiration date. It is located anywhere in the product’s label, in the box or in its bottle or cap.

It is expensive to buy medicines. Do not be wrong to purchase them for you will end up losing more cash.  That is why, you should always check the label.

Second, know the formulation. It consists of the amount and the content of the medicine in mg. Like for example: Each 5 mL (1 teaspoonful) suspension contains: Dextromenthorphan HBr – 10 mg, Phenylpropanolamine HCI – 12.5 mg, Paracetamol – 250 mg.

Third, see the indications. It indicates for what illness the medicine is for. Just like this example: For the relief of cough, clogged nose , postnasal drip, headache, body aches and fever associated with the common cold. They also help decongest sinus openings and passages.

Fourth, know the dosage and administration. It informs everyone the right measure of intake for all ages. For example: Orally, every 6 hours, or, as recommended by a doctor.  For children, 2-6 years – 2.5 mL (1/2 teaspoonful), 7-12 years – 5 mL (1 teaspoonful) and for adults and children above 12 years – 10 mL (2 teaspoonful)

Fifth, be aware of the contraindications. It reveals the contra or the avoidance of the take of medicine due to its limitation, that is, if you take too much dosage, it can cause or trigger the condition of your body. Statements like these are present in this category: Hypersensitivity to any ingredient in the product, patients with severe coronary disease or cardiovascular disease including myocardial infarction, severe hypertension and ventricular arrhythmia.

Sixth, be aware of the warnings indicated. It presents the awareness that the use of the medicine is not appropriate if you are pregnant or if you suffer from other kind of diseases. Such sample statements will be seen in the label: Use with caution in patients with high blood pressure, toxic goiter, benign prostatic hypertrophy, heart rate irregularity, glaucoma and in those taking antidepressants.

Seventh, be reminded of its caution. It is the reminder that everyone should be aware of. In this part, it appears as like this: Food, Drugs, Devices and Cosmetic Act prohibit dispensing without prescription.

A good and effective medicine has all the stored information in its label. Plus, there is this portion that reveals: Please see patient information leaflet for complete information. There is a small paper inside the box that tells all the information about the medicine.

There is this words like: Keep the product out of reach and sight of children. Shake well before using. Store at temperatures not exceeding 30 degree Celsius.
All these and more are the vital things that patient and customers should be aware of when buying medicines. Good and effective medicines are the ones that reveal in public all the information about it, no matter if the contradictions are that serious or realistically shared without doubt.

It is best that the patients will know everything about what they are taking than to remain ignorant of not knowing about it.

Cecille Ann Gregory, writer of this blog