Wednesday, December 28, 2011
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Tuesday, December 27, 2011
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Sunday, December 18, 2011
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Wednesday, December 14, 2011
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Saturday, December 10, 2011
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Saturday, November 26, 2011
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011
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Saturday, November 19, 2011
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Friday, November 11, 2011
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Saturday, November 5, 2011
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I dress my little David of a bat costume which he will be wearing at the Halloween party at my friend's house. To my amuse, I color his nose black, making him appear as rabbit.
I am totally in the discovery of my David, a bat-rabbit? That is pretty fun!
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011
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Monday, October 31, 2011
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Monday, October 24, 2011
It takes a ring to utter the sweet promises in order to testify that the both of your love will be spread through the years in lifetime commitment and trust.
Labels: General Business
Friday, October 21, 2011
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Friday, October 7, 2011
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of TracFone for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
The only possible way in order to keep in touch of your family, friends and loved ones is the availability of the right services that is offered by TracFone.
Real TracFone customers really know how it enjoys to save more and pay less while they are taking all the access of using the TracFone as their lifetime communication services which they can be able to have all the day happily communicating with their closed families and friends.
So many features have been shared by TracFone. In fact, it is the kind of phone that is all available inAmerica which offers no contracts, no credit checks, no activation charges nor cancellation fee. TracFone serves with wide coverage and signal that calling overseas is not a big problem. In fact, one can call anywhere in the world using TracFone. The wide coverage and services reach out to any destinations and races, making their services as the leading communication services in the country.
The many offers of TracFone can also be seen in this video:
Because of TracFone, everything is always possible. Long distance contacts and families are not a hazard to call because of TracFone because when one calls overseas, it offers no extra costs.
TracFone is the solution in today's quest for communication because it bridges families and relationships all around the globe.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Labels: General Business
Monday, October 3, 2011
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Sunday, September 25, 2011
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Thursday, September 22, 2011
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

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Friday, September 9, 2011
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011
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Monday, August 22, 2011

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011
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Monday, August 8, 2011

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Friday, July 29, 2011
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Friday, July 22, 2011
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Thursday, July 21, 2011
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Friday, July 15, 2011
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Friday, July 8, 2011
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Monday, June 27, 2011
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Saturday, June 25, 2011
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Sunday, June 19, 2011
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011
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Sunday, June 5, 2011
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Friday, June 3, 2011
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Friday, May 27, 2011
I firmly believe in the essence of this statement. That is what I have seen of President Obama and his wife, Michelle.
Let us face the fact that Barack is not ever successful in his political career without the woman who has the will and the love to be with him and his family in his life’s calling.
Michelle is that ever supportive to his husband. I always observe that, that when the two are having meetings and agenda in public, his wife is always at Barack’s side. That is the power of the woman behind his rising career.
It is really true that woman plays a vital role in the lives of their man. I am like Michelle who is there for my husband at all times, through rough, hard and blissful moments. It is our love that binds us together. And when problems arise, we talk it over at night when we do have our “we-time” and even when we are working far from home. The communication and the openness of being together lead us to deal and handle situations that effectively help us in all endeavors. That is why, problems are not so hard for us because we tend to help one another and discuss on things that matters most to our decision. Though we have multiple approaches and opinions with regards to problems, but still we do unite as one family and one shelter.
I am proud to all women, to all Michelle in this world who are always there for their husband and children. Their love centers on what embraces happiness and worthy living.
It is never hard for me to talk with my husband because we have this openness and feeling of self-respect to each other. That is why, I can see myself in Michelle Obama. The vigor, determination, love and understanding that she shares to his husband is the greatest gift of her existence.
Indeed, life of being a wife is never so easy but with love and openness to each other, all those worries and problems are no way out in destroying them.
Labels: Personal
Thursday, May 26, 2011
I never expected that such Arnold Schwarzenegger could make something like that to his wife and children. It never reflects to his personality, I guess. Thus, I can therefore say that looks are deceiving.
What I have then realized based on this realistic situation of the happening of Arnold and his family is that I can visualize that men (like those of Arnold’s nature) do tend to change, men can make family in chaos, men can ruin families.
Arnold reaches long way to go in his life and career. He is blessed with a good wife and wonderful children. But all of a sudden, it drops to zero.
I know that it is wrong to judge a person but I just can’t stop thinking about this scenario because it is really a big shock. Arnold is an actor, a politician and a “role model” to be because the happiness of his family lies the nature of a true home. But what he shown now to the public is the very opposite Arnold who seem inconsistent of his acts and will.
Holding political position is a big opportunity to be a good model to society because in the first place when one is in government, the people trusted him such a way that he is that good and can be trusted. But this aspect downs me because I am not really expecting that a nice and wonderful home has turned out to be not very fine.
I hope that both of them find the meaning of true healing, acceptance and forgiveness. I do hope that Arnold should always prioritize to do moral things than immoral ones.
Labels: Personal
Sunday, May 22, 2011
This felt touch of care for one’s pet is evidently experience by Judy Pugh. This inspirational story is in whole detail by Liz Goodwin on her article, “Adorable lady finds missing cat during interview outside tornado-ruined home” last Fri May 20, 10:21 am ET.
This story is all about the woman named Judy Pugh whose house was destroyed by tornadoes that swept through Tuscaloosa, Alabama on April 27. According to the report, Pugh cheerfully told local station WIAT that she rushed to the hallway with her three cats when the mile-wide tornado hit. The roof fell on top of her, but miraculously she and two of her cats were all in one piece. She also added that she was telling the station reporter about how much she missed her third cat Cadie, whom she hadn't been able to find for three weeks but the cat walked right up to her during the interview. "I have everything I want now. I have all three cats," she said.
Pets always find who their stewards are. They are like humans who have the sense of recognition and whenever they are lost, they have this instinct of seeking the warmth of their owner. They have higher sense of perception. In fact, they can think faster than you could imagine.
That is why, pets are not useless. They are made with great purpose. Their existence limits not on a limited portals. They have this sense to belong.
Good thing that Judy really take care of her cats. The way she gives care to her cats are essentially nourishing because her cats always have this sense to go back to her care even in great disaster as like this.
Thus, whatever care one has given to his pets, it all comes back with great price, the price to recognize as a shelter, a home.
Labels: Personal
Friday, May 20, 2011
Lots of information that has been reported and written about him, Maria and his mistress but all these information are for the benefit of the ever sizzling desire of the crowds especially to those juicy-catcher who avidly follow the whole story from its prime initial to the flow of today’s juice until the end of this story. But the questions circled more on the “mistress.” Who is that woman who allegedly makes love of Arnold and bears a child of his blood and “image”?
Some of the television programs and press companies are keeping safe the identity of the mistress and especially the child for the reason of privacy. I believe that this sensitive issue calls for the embrace of the child’s name not to put in stake for crowds to know because this might cause psychological problem in the side of the child because this incident is not something to be proud of. And the child is innocent in this matter.
It is not really the concern for everyone to go into further details involving the child’s persona because it is something like it is already “below the belt” thing. Part of the press’ ethics is to keep safe the sensitive area of the facts for the main reason that if this will totally blow out, unleashing all the minute details of the child’s life could hamper in total destruction his life. In the first place, the child is innocent and he should not be involved in this kind of issue. This incident calls for the mother of the child, Arnold and even Maria.
But there you go! The crowds are unstoppably throwing all the information they have gathered that the three and even most probably the child are exposed for the sake to be talked. The information that is scattering because of this unexpected happening of the ever-promising marriage life of Arnold and Maria is a big shock to their family and a big, unstoppable issue for the masses.
In this kind of scenario, no one can stop the press from scrutinizing and sharing the truth with its details. That is why, I can pretty say that the people live in different perspective and buying this issue is something that generates big traffic that really market huge sales.
The only fact that should take into big consideration in this news is the protection and welfare of the child because the child is innocent in this happening. It is best that the press should respect to the right of the child of not going into deep distribution of himself to others. Keeping the child’s privacy is a big gift that the masses could offer to the family since both are not in the “feel” for this issue and no one expected this to happen.
Labels: Personal
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Good that Maria has trusted friend like Oprah in whom she can open and talk things out with regards to her (Maria) husband’s unscrupulous cheating agenda.
Maria is still in the process of going through with the total heartache as what she said saying in one of the news, "This is a painful and heartbreaking time," she said. "As a mother, my concern is for the children. I ask for compassion, respect, and privacy as my children and I try to rebuild our lives and heal. I will have no further comment."
Indeed, this kind of happening is not a joke. It is heartbreaking. For the couple is standing strong and happy for 25 years, but it all ends in here. The culminating is so fast.
I know that Shriver can really get out of this in time. It is just so aggravatingly hurtful now because the happenings are fresh and of course, nobody is expecting that this would happen to their family. As I can view their relationship, they are that blessed and happy and I expect them to reach until lifetime.
Anyway, there are reasons for their total breakup that the couple could not preserve anymore to be living in a house together. But with Maria, good that she has lots of friends who would surely help her in the healing process. The presence of her friends is important for her especially in this heartbreaking time. I know that she can get over with this in time.
Labels: Personal
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Just like this two-year-old girl, Katie Lolley who was diagnosed with a deadly cancer was saved by herflashing light on the Tesco £3 toothbrush.
The little girl insisted her mother to buy that kind of toothbrush because the girl is fascinated with its style. The presence of the light of the toothbrush signifies the time when the child will cease brushing his teeth.
It was a reflection that captured the detection of the child’s disease as she brushes her teeth in a dim light and all the reflected in the mirror is the glare of that affected eye. It is like the cat’s eyes. That prompts the mother to directly transport the girl to the hospital.
With a little use but donates huge functions, the toothbrush saves the life of the little girl. If it wasn’t for the brush, then the disease would have been detected a time or so.
That is why, no matter how minute things are, it donates help and huge functions which interplays of the life’s processes.
This we can say that things, no matter how small, are useful and functional.
Labels: Personal
She is having a comeback with big films which I pretty assure that it will really be a blast. “Gambit” and “Bad Teacher” are two films which generate to explore my zest in seeing films as it is filmed by Cameron.
I ever wonder how this beautiful lady maintains her wonderful physique and healthy lifestyle. I could see that she is exercising a lot because her body speaks for itself. She is endearingly sexy and gorgeous.
She is setting that good example to many to be healthy and feel naturally beautiful. Her personality invites everyone to perfectly make great things for the self in order to attain healthy body and mind.
Labels: Personal
Thursday, May 12, 2011
That is why, I have read more details on this news but when I have learned that the dominant cause of her leaving is that she would like to spend more time with his husband, Richard and kids Ben, Gabe and Lily, that is the moment I stop speculating.
Indeed, family tops the choice when one has to give up everything just for a moment to settle and work things out for the sake of the family. There is no question with that when matters deals with family. And no matter how busy life is for all, there is always that time to reflect to give ample space for the welfare of the family especially when one is that too hectic and devoted enough on work, work and work.
I can relate to Meredith’s experience that I pause for a moment and ask myself if I am that selfish enough of not spending time with my family that I am too much busy of work and everything that concerns my work. Of course, I need money, that is why, I am working hard but sometimes, cases permit me to stop and think much deeper that I have to devote time for myself and for my family as well. Of course, I am not that inhuman enough not to feel those things that try to stir my mind.
That is why, now that I resume in my work, I always spare time for my baby and my husband with all the things that concerns communication. That in spite I am that hectic about schedules, I can do manage to budget my time from work and family.
Of course, I am not Meredith who has all the wealth in the world. That is why, I prompt to work but I see to it that I am spending time to communicate to my family everyday.
Labels: Personal
Monday, May 9, 2011
One of the significant indications that man is really bearing that “manhood” in him is evidently seen in his capability to produce sperm in order to bear a fetus while it meets with the egg in the womb of the mother. But not all men are capable of producing such sperm especially when they experience premature ejaculation upon sex. It is just an indication that their sperm count is not that normal.
Due to this problem, health experts find it appropriate that penis enlargement of men is the initial process in sex that reaches the destination of normal activity when men are in arousal with their partner. This state of condition will surely donate huge portion of happy sex life. But there are men who are not capable in such approach which lead them to face much health problems. The only way that they can fully achieve the “manhood” in them is they need to see an expert who is having that knowledge about their total penis enlargement problem.
With the help of today's technology, there are multiple alternatives that help men to meet the manhood in them. It is just essential that they need to rely on the expert.
Labels: General Business

Of course, Daniel”s popularity and best acting in “Harry Potter” earns the credit of being one of the top person in the film industry who made him at the top of the rank list as huge earner, in the 5th placewith a fortune of £48 million, according to UK report.
It is undeniable that the acting of Radcliffe in “Harry Potter” stirs everyone’s mind to actively follow whatever series in the film is coming into. In fact, I am one of those viewers who are in line even when the first edition of the movie has been released in the wide screen. I was there seeing the film and until now, I am loving to repeat viewing the movie at home since I bought the series dvd of it.
I can see that just like me who is eager to know the story, many viewers are excitedly watch the film. The long line and the various faces made me realize that this movie will surely generate huge income. That is a fact since Daniel Radcliffe earns more than just many other artist in the movie industry. No wonder he is that famous now.
There is always that sweet fruit of price after hard works and sacrifices. Everyone in “Harry Potter” is doing its best and I am sure that the other casts of the movie are receiving much as well just like what Daniel receives.
Indeed, the film is a big success!
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